Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Hi, I'm Erin and I'm from TEXAS????

something random that has been bugging me a lot...
For my mission trip this summer, I am listed as 'Erin from Fort Worth, TX'. I don't know why, but it really bugs me. I am and always have been from Kansas City. Initially, I wanted to write back and insist the leader change me to 'Erin from Kansas City, KS who happens to be flying from DFW airport'. That would obviously be ridiculous. I lived in KS for the first 18 years of my life but I have lived in TX for 8 years plus now. At what point does this become home? Am I really from Texas???!!!! AHHH! Perhaps its time to move :)

1 comment:

Grete said...

No kidding. Even when we first moved to L.A. after Texas, I didn't like having to say that's where I was "FROM", so it'd end up being something like, "We just moved from Texas, but I'm originally from Oklahoma." :)